You asked and we listened. Retail ThinkTank, a free digital hub with dozens of exclusive and high-quality resources on the latest news in retail, is back! Start spreading the news because we’re bringing you even more thought-provoking perspectives on the latest and greatest trends. Powered by Retail TouchPoints, we’re curating conversations on some of the hottest retail topics all.summer.long. That’s right. Cutting-edge content delivered all day, every day. You can expect to hear new voices, analyze new use cases and see new data. AND, if you didn’t get the chance to attend the Retail Innovation Conference & Expo this past May in Chicago or if you did and you want to revisit some of the session content, you’re in luck! Content from #RICE22 will be repurposed in the ThinkTank for you as well. We’ve got it all!
To summarize, by signing up today you’ll receive free ongoing access to a plethora of events and resources, including:
So, what are you waiting for? Get your summer reading on with Retail ThinkTank!