Pulse Check! Help Us Shape the #RICE24 Agenda 

I know, I know…another survey!? Yes, but don’t worry…it’s only 6 questions! While we could have made it longer (hi, we’re data nerds!), we wanted to keep it short and sweet because we value your time. Why did we create this survey, you ask? Because we care about you, your needs, goals and that you get maximum value from the money you spend on the events you attend.  
We built this quick survey to better understand your priorities and what you want to see during conference sessions. Are you underwater with understanding how to apply generative AI tools for your business? Are retail media network measurement standards overwhelming your brain? We want to know! And since we’re all about transparency, all information we collect from this survey will be used to inform our agenda for the Retail Innovation Conference & Expo scheduled for June 4-6, 2024, in Chicago. (Maybe we’ll even share some interesting trends and findings here on the blog. 😉)  

Now is the time to be as candid as possible. Let us know your burning questions and ultimate wish lists, and we will do our best to deliver at the event in June. Whether it’s a C-level speaker you’ve been dying to meet and learn from, or a specific challenge you’re facing that you want to tackle in 2024, we’re all ears!  

Our content team is already hard at work developing a business-critical agenda for you and greatly appreciates your time and insights. We know how precious time out of the office is and by taking this quick survey, you will help us ensure the session content is extremely relevant and valuable for you. 

Click the link below to get started on the survey and we look forward to keeping you updated along the way as we head into 2024! 

Request to be invited to join us for the #RICE23 Masterclasses!

Which MasterClass are you interested in attending?