How Neighborhood Goods Creates a Seamless Curatorial Philosophy In-Stores & Online

May 11
4:15 pm – 4:45 pm CT
Matt Alexander
Matt Alexander
Neighborhood Goods
Ashley Conger
Ashley Conger (moderator)
Neighborhood Goods


As more DTC brands scale offline and traditional brands scale online, marketplaces can be a good avenue for brands to reach new consumers and enhance brand awareness. Neighborhood Goods has been reinventing the department store and constantly taps into new product segments to give up-and-coming brands greater visibility. Hear from Co-Founder and CEO, Matt Alexander as he discusses how Neighborhood Goods has defined a curation strategy that is seamless offline and online for brands. He’ll also provide greater insight into:

  • Best practices for developing design-driven experiences and curated collections in a more organized format;
  • Tips for crafting marketing campaigns and experiences that inspire additional sharing and interaction; and
  • How to measure and improve campaign performance to reach key marketing goals.

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